Many of the grids in the different modules have search forms built into them that allow you to search for information contained in that grid. We will look at three grids as examples - permits and transponders under My Institution and occupants under Enclosures.
If there is a seach form available in the grid it will display to the right of the export icons.
Enclosures - Occupants
Only the current occupants of an Enclosure display in the grid as the default. To find other animals that have occupied the enclosure you can use the search form.
1. Animal ID - This allows you to find if a specific individual/group has occupied the enclosure.
2. Taxonomy - This allows you to find if any members of a specific taxonomy have occupied the enclosure.
3. Date In Range - Use the From and In dates to search for animals that were moved into the enclosure during a specific time range.
4. Date Out Range - Use the From and To dates to search for animals that were moved out of the enclosure during a specific date range.
5 .Show Historical Records - This must be checked to occupants that are no longer currently in the enclosure.
6. Include Dead - This will not be activated unless the Show Historical Records box above is checked.
7. Include Sub Enclosure - If this is checked the application will also search for animals that were held in any child, or sub, enclosures of this enclosure using the placement in the enclosure tree.
8. Clear Filter - Selecting this will clear any entries in the search form fields and bring the grid back to default display.
9. Search - Selecting this will start the search.
10. Close Search Form - Selecting this will close the expanded search box.
The results of the search will now display in the enclosure occupants grid, including the date moved out of the enclosure if Show Historical Records was checked.
My Institution - Permits
All of your permits display in the permits grid. To find permits for specific filters use the search form.
1. Permit Name - This is the name your institution gave to the permit.
2. Permit ID - This is the ID your institution gave to the permit. In most cases it will be the permit number per the issuing authority.
3. Permit Type - The general type of permit you are looking for.
4. Permit Status - The current status that you have assigned to the permit.
5. Listing Authority - The agency you received the permit from.
6. Effective Date - The date the permit became effective.
7. Expiry Date - The date the permit will expire.
8. Assigned To - What entities the permit has been assigned to. Checking this will activate the four radio buttons below.
9 .ID field - The specific institution, staff, animal or enclosure the permit has been assigned to.
10. Search - Selecting this will start the search.
11. Clear Filter - Selecting this will clear all of the fields in the search screen and bring the grid back to default display.
12. Close search form - Selecting this will close the expanded search form.
Any permits that match your search filters will be displayed. Above we searched for permits with expiration dates in 2015.
My Institution - Transponders
The transponders in your inventory will display in the Transponders grid. If you want to search for a specific transponder use the search form.
1. Transponder ID - The transponder number. This must be entered exactly as you recorded it.
2. Status - The current status of the transponder
3. Transponder Make - What you recorded as the transponder maker.
4. Include transponders in dispositioned animals - If this is checked the search will find animals that have died or left your institution. If it is not checked it will search for only your current animals.
5. Search - Selecting this will start the search.
6. Clear Filter - Selecting this will clear the filters recorded in the search screen and bring the grid back to default display.
7. Close search form - Selecting this will close the expanded search screen.
The results of any transponders that match your search filters will display in the grid. Above we searched for transponders with a status of available.
Revised 5 March 2025
* Species360 Organizational name change added on 07/18/2016
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation