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Icon Descriptions
How to understand the icons used in the ZIMS User Interface. Many of these icons are found in various locations throughout the ZIMS application. The screen shots are simply examples of one place they are found, but their meaning is the same throughout the application.


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 icon1.jpg  icon2.jpg
Scope Information – The house icon (left) is Local information that is sourced from data that has been recorded by your institution. Here you are viewing Local Roles created by your institution. Local information can be edited if you have the access. The ZIMS logo (right) is Global information that has been created by Species360. Global information cannot be edited.


Refresh button - selecting this will update information recently entered in the grid.


Export to Excel - Allows you to export a grid or report to Excel where you can Open, Save or Print it.


Export to pdf -Allows you to export a grid or report to Excel where you can Open, Save or Print it.

Checkmarks - Indicate Yes or No. In the example above all staff members are ZIMS Users (green checkmark meaning Yes). Kendra Keeper, however, is the only staff member who is visible to others outside the institution as all others have a red x (meaning No).



Collapse arrows - Allows you to collapse a portion of the screen. In the example on the top the Institution Search box can be collapsed. In the example on the bottom, the Specimen Report filter screen can be collapsed.

icon10.jpg  icon11.jpg
Expand arrows - Allows you to expand a portion of the screen. In the example on the top the Institution Search box can be expanded. In the example on the bottom the Specimen Report filter screen can be expanded.


Lookup - Selecting the magnifying glass will open a search screen for the topic. In this example it will open an animal search screen. In many cases the fields with a Lookup are also type-ahead fields where matches will display as you type.


Note - The notepad indicates that a Note was recorded. This icon also displays where notes have been recorded in details boxes of other data entry screens.


Observation- The camera indicates that an Observation was recorded.

Page forward - These arrows allow you to move through your results grids. The single arrow will take you to the next page of the grid. The arrow and bar will take you to the last page of the grid.


Page backward - These arrows allow you to move through your results grids. The single arrow will take you to the previous page of the grid. The arrow and bar will take you to the first page of the grid.

icon17.jpg   icon18.jpg
Expand/Collapse Lists - The plus sign on the left indicates that a branch of a list can be expanded and there is data recorded underneath it. The plus sign is also found on cascading data standard drop down lists. The minus sign on the right indicates that a branch of the list has been expanded as completely as it can be. The minus sign is also found on cascading data standard drop down lists.


Mandatory - A red asterisk indicates a required field in a data entry screen. The screen cannot be successfully Saved unless all mandatory fields are completed


icon20.jpg     icon21.jpg
Enclosure Tree icons - The blue enclosure icon (left) indicates an Aquatic enclosure, there is water and no land. The green enclosure icon indicates a Terrestrial enclosure made up of land. 



Revised 5 March 2025




It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation