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How to Embed a Link to a Document Outside of ZIMS in a Note 

These instructions are for linking to a non-Species server to save your documents. If your institution has a server where you can save documents, you can use this system and links can be embedded in Notes or Observations in a ZIMS Record.


To add an image to an animal record, see the following Help document:

Adding Images Help


  1. Identify your server, ensure your network administrator is aware of your use of the server and the permissions are set correctly to allow only the approved people to access the file. 

    This is not something Species360 can assist with as the server settings are unique to your institution. 

    When uploading files to your local server ensure you understand how to link directly to the file you wish to attach to a record in ZIMS.  Copy this link for step two.
  2. When linking to the server you will have to correctly paste the address in one of the allowed format options:

    a. PREFERRED- via a web-link
    For web-enabled file servers (like SharePoint or Dropbox) copy the link address of the file.  A hyperlink will work 100% of the time, these are file links that start with HTTP:// or HTTPS://
    Web-Browser>Server Folder Location>Copy File Link

    b. NON-web-enabled   file server
    Using the web-browser, navigate to your local NON-web-enabled file server (like a mapped network drive) and copy the link address of the file.  This type of file access, from a web-browser to a local file/folder may be limited by your network administrators. 

    Issues with this option should be addressed by your network administrator, Species360 is not able to advise on your server and network security options.  Links to these types of resources will start with FILE:// 

    Web-Browser>LOCAL Server Folder Location>Copy File Link

    c. Network Drive Link
    Using the web-browser, navigate to your local NON-web-enabled file server (like a mapped network drive) and copy the link address of the file.  This type of file access, from a web-browser to a local file/folder may be limited by your network administrators. 

    Issues with this option should be addressed by your network administrator, Species360 is not able to advise on your server and network security options.  Links to these types of resources will start with \\YOUR-SERVER-NAME... 
    File Explorer>LOCAL Server Folder Location>In File Path box type file name>Select full File Name

    File Explorer>LOCAL Server Folder Location>Copy Full Path to File
  3. Adding a link to a note, you have two options:
    A) You can add a link, fully spelled out, as a general note in the ZIMS record - this would make it easy for you and others to see where the file is located:

    Edit a note or observation and in the Note/Obs details box paste your link using the following and trailing characters: 
    < and >

Options 1: <https://YOUR-SERVER-NAME-HERE/some-folder-name/YOUR-FILE-NAME-HERE.bmp>
Options 2: <FILE://YOUR-SERVER-NAME-HERE/some-folder-name/YOUR-FILE-NAME-HERE.bmp>
Options 3: \\YOUR-SERVER-NAME-HERE\some-folder-name\YOUR-FILE-NAME-HERE.bmp


B) You can embed a link in any of the note boxes where the icon is available in the editing tools bar:


Once added, when you view this record the link will be clickable. 

Some additional considerations linking to files NOT in ZIMS.  



Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation