Recording dimensions and barriers on your Enclosures.
1.Dimension Measured – Free text field for what you are measuring. This must be unique within each Enclosure record.
2.Dimension Value – Free text field for the measurement taken.
3.Dimension Type – Data Standard for the type of dimension you are measuring.
4.Dimension UOM – Data Standard for various Units of Measure.
5.Measurement Date – The date you took the measurement. This can be helpful when enclosures are renovated and dimensions change, it sometimes helps to have a history captured.
6.Description – Any details that will clarify the information recorded.
1.Barrier Name – Free text field for what the barrier is. This must be unique within the grid but can be the same as the Dimension Measured.
2.Barrier Add Date – If you are catching up on entering your Barriers you can use the date that you recorded the data. But if you do know the date the Barrier was actually added, over time you can create a history of enclosure changes when combined with Barrier Removal Date.
3.Barrier Material Category – A Data Standard of various categories that the Barrier can be made of. This field drives what displays in Barrier Material Type.
4.Barrier Removal Date – When the Barrier was removed and, over time, can provide a history of the enclosure.
5.Barrier Material Type –A Data Standard, driven by Barrier Material Category, that further describes the Barrier Material.
6.Details – Any details that will clarify the information recorded.
In our simple example here we can see that the Front viewing area is 3/8 inch glass 10 feet high by 30 feet long and the back wall is concrete 20 feet high by 50 feet long.
Revised 5 March 2025
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