How to add Planned Taxa to help with Collection Planning.
ZIMS can help you capture what species you may want to add to an enclosure. It can also track what species you thought of adding but decided not to.
Open the Enclosure module from wither the Start menu or the desktop icon. Use the Tree View or a search to find the appropriate Enclosure. From the Details tab select Planned Taxa grid > Actions > Add New.
1.Record the desired Taxonomy. This can be recorded at any taxonomic level.
2.Enter the sex Ratio you are looking to add.
3.Record the year you want to add the species.
4.Check this box if it is an Active plan. At a future date you may decide not to add that species. We recommend not to remove the entry but instead uncheck the Active button and use the Description box to record why you changed your mind. Why you don’t want a species in the Enclosure may be as important as what species you do want to add.
5.Use the Description box to add details not captured.
The entry will display in the grid. Any Notes you added will display as the notebook icon in the entry grid and also in the Notes & Observations grid. If you delete or edit the Note from either location, it will be deleted or edited everywhere.
Using the left hand search box Planned Taxa Search, you can search by Taxonomy, Target Year and Active or Inactive Planned Taxa.
This can be a handy “report” to use as a reference during Collection Planning meetings.
Revised 5 March 2025
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