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Enclosures- Adding Notes and Observation and Searching

 This guide helps you add and find specific notes or observations recorded on an enclosure.


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Adding Enclosure Notes and Observations

Editing Enclosure Notes and Observations Applied to Occupants

Searching Enclosure Notes and Observations


Adding Notes and Observations

Enclosure Notes and Observations are found within an enclosure record in the Enclosure module. 

1) Open the Enclosure module by clicking Start > Enclosure
Search for and open an existing enclosures by either:

2) Typing the enclosure name into the search box and selecting the enclosure from the list
3) Using the Enclosure Search to bring up a list of results and double clicking to open the selected enclosure
4) Double clicking on the selected enclosure in the Enclosure Tree

Enclosure Notes and Observations are found in the Notes & Observations grid at the bottom of the Details tab of the enclosure record. To add a new Note or Observation, click on the Actions button, then Add New Note or Add New Observation.
Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated 


Enclosure Notes and Observations mirror the data entry boxes for Animal Notes and Observations, but have different Note Types & Subtypes which are relevant to Animals.


Enclosure Notes

  1.      Note Date: The date of the event.
  2.      Keyword: Any keywords associated with the event.
  3.      Note Type: Choose from a pre-determined list of note types, including Husbandry, Aquatic, Infrastructure etc.
  4.      Note Sub Type: Choosefrom a pre-determined list of note sub-types. The list of sub-types will depend on the note type chosen.
  5.      Apply To All Enclosure Occupants: If ticked, your note will also be applied to the Animal Notes & Observations tab for any animals within the enclosure.
  6.      Note: The main body of text for the event.

Enclosure Observations

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

  1.      Keyword: Any keywords associated with the event.
  2.      Observation Type: Choose from a pre-determined list of observation types, including Husbandry, Aquatic, Infrastructure etc.
  3.      Observation Quality: Choose the quality of observation (e.g. excellent, good, fair, poor)
  4.      Observation Sub Type: Choosefrom a pre-determined list of observation sub-types. The list of sub-types will depend on the note type chosen.
  5.      Start Date: the date when the event started (additional option to record this date as an estimate).
  6.      Start Time, Duration, UOM: Record the time the observation started, and the duration of the event including unit of measure.
  7.      Observer Type: The job role of the observer.
  8.      Observer: Who was observing the event – choose from a list of staff in your institution.
  9.      Apply To All Enclosure Occupants: If ticked, your Observation will also be applied to the Animal Notes & Observations tab for any animals within the enclosure.
  10. Observation: The main body of text for the event.







Editing Enclosure Notes and Observations Applied to Occupants

When enclosure Notes or Observations are ‘Applied to All Enclosure Occupants’, they are linked together within a batch. This means any one of the Notes/Observations within the batch can be edited to change all of them.

To edit

  1.       Right click on the enclosure (1) or animal (2) Note/Observation and select ‘View/Edit Selected’.


  1.       Make your edit and then click ‘Save’.
  2.       You will be given the option to edit:
    1.        The entire batch – this will save the same edit to the enclosure Note/Observation and all occupant Notes/Observations within the batch
    2.       Only this note – this will edit only the Note/Observation you have selected to edit (whether that was the enclosure Note/Observation, or one of the Notes/Observations applied to the occupant).

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


If you choose to edit ‘Only this note’, the edited note will split from the enclosure batch.



Searching for Enclosure Notes and Observations

The Enclosure Notes and Observations search is found within the Enclosure module in the left-hand expandable search box.


The results grids columns can be customized by select the down arrow to the right of any column. The column order can be changed by dragging and dropping.


Revised 5 March 2025



It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation