Enclosures can be merged for two reasons - 1) to cleanup errors and 2) actual physical merge. It is important that you select the correct merge screen as the results are different.
An enclosure merge to clean up errors is used to correct your enclosure list and remove duplicated/incorrect entries. Most of these entries are the result of migrated data from ARKS (the Species360 software prior to ZIMS). In this merge one enclosure is retained while the other is made inactive and you cannot place animals in it.
In the example below there are two references to the same enclosure - River Tank and Rivers Tank:
From within the Enclosure module, select Merge Enclosures > Merge Enclosures (cleanup errors).
1) First Enclosure - one of the enclosures you are merging (the order does not matter)
2) Second enclosure - the other enclosure you are merging (the order does not matter)
3) Merge Into - the enclosure that you want to retain (merge the other enclosure into)
4) Merge Reason - why you want to merge the enclosures
5) Merge Date - the date you want to merge the enclosures
6) Approved By - sourced from your staff list, who approved the merge
7) Details - additional information about why you are merging the enclosures
You have the option to transfer any Notes recorded on the merged enclosure into the retained enclosure.
The merged Enclosure will no longer be displayed in the Enclosure Tree (left) unless you select to Include Inactive Enclosures (right).
For any current occupants recorded as being in the merged enclosure (the one that was NOT retained) (top), the enclosure record will be automatically changed to the enclosure that was retained (bottom). The Move In and Moved Out dates will not be changed.
In addition, a note will be added to the Details of that enclosure move in the animal record that the enclosure was changed due to a merge for cleanup errors.
You will no longer be able to place any occupants into the merged Enclosure.
This merge is performed when two enclosures are actually physically merged together to (usually) form a larger enclosure. With this merge a new enclosure is created and both merged enclosures become obsolete. For this merge, from the Enclosure module, select Merge Enclosures > Merge Enclosures (actual physical merge).
1. and 2. First and Second Enclosure - The two enclosures that you wish to merge. Order does not matter.
3. New Parent Enclosure/Tank - The Parent Enclosure for the new enclosure
4. New Category - The Category of the new enclosure
5. New Enclosure Type - The Type of the new enclosure
6. New Enclosure Name - The name of the new enclosure
7. Merge Reason - The reason why the enclosures are being merged
8. Merge Date - The date of the merge
9. Approved By - The staff member who approved the merge
10. Details - Any additional information not gathered in the above fields.
The two merged enclosures (in this example Dog Holding and Dog House) (left) will be replaced in the enclosure tree by the new enclosure (in this example Dog Barn) (right).
To display the merged enclosures in the tree you will need to check "Include Inactive Enclosures".
For any current occupants of the merged enclosures, a move will automatically be recorded
into the new enclosure on the date recorded for the merge.
In addition, an automatic note will be recorded for that move describing why the move was made. You will no longer be able to move any animals/groups into either of the merged enclosures.
You can find any Enclosure merges by using the searches available in the Enclosure module left hand expandable search box.
To find clean up merges, use the Clean Up Error Search box.
The results grid will display both the Retained and the Merged Enclosures as hyperlinks.
To find physical merges, use the Actual Physical Merge Search box.
The results grid displays the original enclosures (in red box) and the new enclosure as hyperlinks.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations.
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