Enclosures can be marked as no longer Active if they no longer exist or if you are managing them under a different enclosure name. This allows you to view only Active enclosures in your tree if desired.
If the enclosure you selected has a Child enclosure(s) underneath it, you will receive a warning that marking the Parent enclosure as no longer Active will also mark the Child enclosure(s) as Inactive.
If you do not wish to do that you will need to Cancel this action and change the Parent of the Child enclosure(s). This can be done by dragging and dropping in the Enclosure Tree. If you wish to mark both the Parent and Child enclosure(s) as Inactive select Yes. Selecting Yes will move any occupants of the Child enclosure to a higher level enclosure.
If you mark an Inactive enclosure as Active again, if there are Inactive Child enclosures underneath it you will be asked if you want to activate all Child enclosures. Select Cancel if you do not. Select Yes if you do.
Any animals that had been moved to a higher level Enclosure will remain in that Enclosure and will not automatically be moved back.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations.
www.Species360.org – Global Information Serving Conservation