Tracking maintenance requested, maintenance completed and water changes for your enclosures and tanks.
Maintenance Requests allow you to track requests for maintenance made on an Enclosure or Tank.
Open the Enclosure Record > Maintenance Requests > Actions > Add New
1. Requested By – Who asked for the maintenance. Sourced from staff list.
2. Assigned To – Who will be doing or overseeing the maintenance. Sourced from staff list.
3. Maintenance Start Date – When you expect the maintenance to begin.
4. Expected Completion Date – When you expect the maintenance to be finished.
5. Title – A brief description of what is to be done.
6. Action Taken/Details – Details of what is to be done and what actions will be needed.
7. Work order number - Number used to track the progress of the request if a work order is created.
8. Create Calendar Task – Checking this will add a task to My Calendar for the staff member it was assigned to [see more on calendar tasks here ].
The Maintenance and Water Changes grid allows you to track actual maintenance performed on an Enclosure, chemicals added to a tank, and any routine or non-routine water changes. A Maintenance Request is not required prior to performing the maintenance.
To record maintenance, open the Enclosure record > Maintenance and Water Changes grid > Actions > Add New Maintenance.
1. Responsible Party – Who performed or oversaw the maintenance. Sourced from your staff list.
2. Maintenance Status - If the maintenance is Scheduled, In Progress, Completed or Cancelled. A record is not maintained of the changing Statuses, the most recent Status is what will display in the grid.
3. Maintenance Start and End Dates – When the maintenance was started and completed. If the Maintenance is not Completed the End Date will probably be left blank unless you are tracking expected End Date. Usually if an End Date was recorded the Status should be Completed or Cancelled.
4. Details – Information about what maintenance was performed.
5. Work order number - The tracking number of the work order.
6. Apply to Occupants – If this is checked the maintenance will go into the Note records for the animals that were occupying the enclosure at the time of the start of the maintenance. Note Type will be General and Subtype will be Enclosure Maintenance with Keywords of Enclosure Maintenance Note.
7. Price and Currency – If you want to track to cost of the maintenance enter that information here.
8. Schedule Additional Maintenance – Selecting this will open the add task screen in My Calendar [see more on calendar tasks here ].
Any maintenance added will display in the ‘Maintenance and Water Change’ grid.
To record a water change, select Actions > Add New Chemical Addition
1. Date – The date the chemical was added.
2. Time – The time the chemical was added.
3. Chemical– Which chemical was added - choose from a drop down list. If the chemical you need is not in the list, please contact .
4. Responsible Party – The member of staff responsible for adding the chemical addition.
5. Amount – How much of the chemical was added.
6. UOM – The unit of measure.
7. Details – Add any additional information.
Checkboxes 8, 9 and 10 can be used singularly or together:
8. Apply to connected life support systems – If ticked the chemical addition will also appear in the “Maintenance and Water Changes” grid for any attached life support systems.
9. Apply to all sub-enclosures – If ticked the chemical addition will also appear in the “Maintenance and Water Changes” grid for any sub-enclosures.
10. Apply Note to all enclosure occupants – This box will only become active if a note is added in the Details box. If ticked, the note will be applied to all enclosure occupants.
- Chemical addition will be applied to all life support systems and all sub-enclosures.
- The chemical addition will not currently be added to life support systems attached to sub-enclosures.
8+10 :
- Chemical addition will be applied to all life support systems and note will be applied to all animals in the enclosure.
- The chemical addition note will not be added to any animals in enclosures which are also attached to the life support system.
- Chemical addition will be applied to all sub-enclosures.
- Chemical addition note will be applied to all animals in the original enclosure and all animals in any sub-enclosures.
- Chemical addition will be applied to all attached life supports and all sub-enclosures.
- Chemical addition note will be applied to all animals in the original enclosure and all animals in any sub-enclosures.
- The chemical addition will not currently be added to life support systems attached to sub-enclosures.
- The chemical addition note will not be added to any animals in enclosures which are also attached to the life support system.
Chemical Additions added will display in the ‘Maintenance and Water Change’ grid, as well as the “Aquatic Enclosure Treatment” grid.
To record a water change, select Actions > Add New Water Change
1.The Date the water was changed.
2.The Time can be important is multiple water changes performed on the same day.
3.Who performed the water change or who approved it.
4.The amount of water that was changed.
5.The percentage of the total volume that was changed.
NOTE: Data needs to be recorded in either #4 or #5
6.Where the water was sourced from.
7.Checking this box will add the water change to the record of any sub-enclosures.
8.Add additional details as desired.
Water changes added though the ‘Maintenance and Water Change’ grid will only display in the ‘Maintenance and Water Change’ grid.
You can also create a water change record from within the Enclosure Treatment grid for an aquatic enclosure if there is a Prescription record for the enclosure. Go to Enclosure Treatment Record > Actions > Add New.
If you select Water Change under Actions Taken, a checkbox for Create Enclosure Maintenance Record is activated. If this is checked a water change record will be created.
Water changes added in the ‘Enclosure Treatment Record’ grid will show in the ‘Enclosure Treatment Record’ grid and the ‘Maintenance and Water Change’ grid.
Maintenance, Chemical Additions and water changes can be exported from the ‘Maintenance and Water Changes’ grid to Excel or PDF.
Additionally, the information is available on the following reports and tools:
You can search for maintenance by most of the fields entered into the Maintenance grid. Use the expandable left hand search box in the Enclosure module.
Revised 5 March 2025