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The Data Migration Template that can be used to help migrate your current animal collection into ZIMS comes with an extensive set of instructions. However, there are some common errors made during its completion that can slow down the process by requiring data corrections on the institution side and re-migrations on the Species360 side. This document provides some tips for things to do or not do to help make the migration quicker.
See complete guide here.
Here are some PLEASE DO items:
The source mnemonic and institution name MUST be exactly as displayed in ZIMS. For example, STPAUL is not the same as ST PAUL.
Send a list of all Source/Owning Institutions that are not found in the Global Institution List (or in the Institution drop down list in the Template) to
(to create a MNEMONIC and add them to the Global Institution List )
Enter your Animal Collections and Enclosures before adding your current Animals.
Make sure all mandatory fields are completed.
If you do not know the information for a mandatory field enter UNDETERMINED if a default is not noted in the instructions.
If a non-mandatory field is not applicable leave it blank.
If you will be entering Life Supports and Components they must be done in this order: Enclosures > Life Supports > Components.
Use only the terms in the data standard drop down lists shown in the instructions.
Enter all dates in the same format. Day/month/year vs Month/day/year.
Make sure the Accession Date (column A) is NOT before the Begin Date (Date of Birth/Establish Date) (column J). For a Birth or Hatch they would be the same date.
Enter any animals that are parents of other animals first.
Here are some PLEASE DO
DO items:
Don’t edit, delete or move anything in the Template other than the data that you enter. Don’t delete columns or rearrange the order.
Don’t try to record animals that are Out on Loan. Enter these directly in ZIMS.
Don’t enter historical animals that you no longer hold.
Don’t use terms that are NOT found in the data standard drop down lists shown in the instructions or found in the Drop Down List sheet in the Template.
Revised 5 March 2025