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Welcome to ZIMS!  

As a ZIMS user, you will be joining over 1000 institutions around the world in using the world class Zoological Information Management System application, contributing to global conservation through the collection of valuable data while managing your animal population’s inventory, husbandry and medical records from one program.


Data migration templates were created to assist onboarding institutions with a low-cost, faster method of establishing their current collection information in the ZIMS application, allowing you to more quickly move forward with data entry.  Institutions wishing to migrate historical information should contact their Species360 representative to inquire about a quote for more extensive migration work. 


See quick tips guide: Quick Tips for Completing the Data Migration Template

To establish your collection in ZIMS using the Species360 data migration template, you will need to organize your collection information in the supplied Excel spreadsheet using this manual as a guide.  Data migration templates can be used to establish the following information:

 The migration process occurs as follows:

  1.  Species360 provides your institution with data migration template sheet, instructions and a quick tip document to help you avoid some common errors that slow down migration. In this Template Excel in Mac (Apple) is not supported.
  2. Your institution submits completed template spreadsheets to their designated Species360 support representative. If multiple staff are completing the spreadsheets, please ensure all data is copied onto one template before submitting.  Your institution must have entered your staff list for any responsible parties in ZIMS prior to data migration being run. 
  3. Species360 runs a test migration with the information provided.  Any incorrect or missing information will be tagged with an explanation of how to repair the issue.  Species360 will provide this information back to the your institution to make changes.
  4. Your institution repairs any errors and resubmits their data.
  5. Species360 reattempts data migration.  This process may repeat until all data entry errors have been completed.

General Instructions

1.0 Upon opening the Excel migration spreadsheets, you should see a yellow bar across the top portion of the spreadsheet with a button option to enable content or enable editing. You should select this button to enable content.

1.1 The data migration template sheets should be filled out in the following order to best assist you with pre-populated dropdown menus:

Order for Template Completion

1.Source Institution and Date Format

2. Collections

3. Enclosures

4.Life Support Systems


6. Animals

Note:  If your institution does not want any of these options migrated in, these sheets may be left blank.

1.2 Your institution should enter any staff that may be designated as a responsible party for an animal, enclosure, life support or component in the Staff section of the My Institution module in ZIMS.  Any staff or team names entered into the Responsible Party columns must match the spelling used in the ZIMS application exactly.

1.3 Any column heading with an asterisk (*) following the title is a required field, and must have data entered unless the specific instructions for that column allow for a default setting if the fields are left blank.  See specific column instructions in the following sheets for details.

1.4 Error code and Error Message columns should not be filled in.  These columns will serve as a guide for you to fix any missing or incorrect data after the initial test migration has been run.

1.5 Data can be copied and pasted into the sheet if you have multiple staff filling out copies of the sheet.  Whole rows and columns cannot be copied and pasted; you must select the specific groups of cells for this function.



Source Institution and Date Format

Note:   This sheet should be completed before the Animal Template sheet.

This sheet will consist of institutions you have received any of your current animal collection from as well as the Date Format you will be using.

Column Instructions:


Institution Name:

If the Institution cannot be found, submit the name and address to so they can add it to the global institution list.

Date Format:


Back to Order for Template Completion


Collections Template

Note:   This sheet should be completed before the Animal Template sheet.

This sheet will consist of any animal collections you wish to track in ZIMS Collections define why you have the animal and can be used as filters for searches and reports. Primary Animal Collection is the default Collection and does not need to be entered. This sheet is not required if no additional collections are needed.

Column Instructions:

Collection Name

Collection Type

Collection Type


Main Collection (default)

Your exhibit and breeding animals. In most facilities the majority of your animals will be in this collection.


Animals you are holding after they were removed from another holder, usually by a legal authority. Holding terms may be temporary, pending legal action.


Animals used for education, off grounds presentations or on grounds educational programs


Animals held to be fed to other animals such as mice and rats or feeder fish. This collection can be marked as Local view only

Non-Institution Medical

Animals that are not managed by the institution, but are presented for medical treatment such as area wildlife or staff pets


May be used for animals during their standard quarantine period at your facility. May also be used for animals you are quarantining on behalf of another institution.


Animals in from the wild temporarily housed for the purpose of rehabilitation for release back into the wild


Animals used specifically for research. This collection can be marked as Local view only.

Temporary Holding

Holding temporarily for another institution or agency for reasons other than confiscation or rescue/rehabilitation


Animals that are part of a re-introduction program or that you want to track after release to the wild


Below is what the Add New Collection screen in ZIMS looks like.


Error Code and Error Message

You should not enter any information in these fields.  These columns will provide an error code and corresponding details message for any data that is not entered correctly.  These fields will be populated by Species360 after the initial test migration of data provided by the you.


Back to Order for Template Completion



Note:   This sheet should be completed before the Life Support, Components, and Animals sheet.


This sheet will migrate in your list of enclosures.  Species360 will automatically create a top-level parent enclosure that is your institution.  Any enclosures entered into this template will become sub-enclosures of this parent enclosure.


Example 1 :  Sub-enclosures used as supporting enclosures.  Sub-enclosures may share a water supply with the parent enclosure.


Example 2: Sub-enclosures used as parts of an exhibit.  This facilitates animal management practices, such as shifting on/off display or separation of animals within the same enclosure.


Example 3:   Enclosure groups used to create easy separation between animal areas or parts of an institution.  Enclosure groups typically do not house animals but are an umbrella for a set of enclosures.


Column Instructions:

Enclosure Name:

Enclosure Category:




An enclosure that contains only water or a majority of water in proportion to land. Water quality measurements can be recorded on it.


The enclosure contains mainly land. Environmental measurements can be recorded on it. If there is a water feature it can be entered as a water body in the terrestrial enclosure details, but Water Quality measurements cannot be recorded on this water body.


Enclosure Type:









The most generic term for a structure that contains water



Container open at top, often deep. May be made of plastic, metal or wood.  Typically is portable and could be used as a holding enclosure for such animals as tortoises, baby birds or other animals that are unable to jump or climb out. Bin and tub are synonymous terms



The most generic term for a stationary structure with walls and a roof, typically divided into rooms, often with differentiated environmental parameters.



A structure of bars, wires, or mesh that confines an animal



Representative of a natural underground void, typically large enough for a human to enter. Includes flooded and sub-terranium caves.


Enclosure Group

An assemblage of enclosures that may encompass other smaller Enclosure Groups associated with it. Enclosure Groups can be organized by location within the institution, teams, or zoo-geography and include exhibit and off-exhibit areas. An Enclosure Group may be a Parent enclosure with Child enclosures under it, or a Child enclosure under a Parent enclosure



An enclosure where animals are displayed, usually to the public


Floating Sea Pen

Floating ring with netting suspended below, used in open bodies of water



A type of Building that contains multiple rooms that hold similar taxa


Insulated Box

Insulated portable container often used for transporting invertebrates, reptiles, fish and amphibians. Typically made of plastic and/or styrofoam.



Horizontal cylinder with a circular water flow keeping its inhabitants away from the sides and used primarily for the culture and display of soft-bodied, pelagic, species. Kreisel, pseudokreisel and stretch kreisel are synonymous terms.



A large subterranean body of freshwater typically replenished by a permanent source of water



Trench or channel typically filled with water and used as a barrier that surrounds all or part of an area



An enclosure that contains both aquatic and terrestrial elements


Petrie Dish

An enclosure that contains both aquatic and terrestrial elements.



A shallow cylindrical glass or plastic lidded dish



A small subterranean body of water typically replenished from the surface


Test Tube

A structure containing water, typically above ground and frequently with underwater viewing


Touch Tank

A small tube of glass, open at the top with a rounded bottom



A touch tank is a body of water with marine animals where visitors/guests can gently touch and/or feed the animals by placing hands in the water.



Used for transport and/or as temporary housing before or immediately following transport. Environmental controls are often present


Wave Pool

A small, mostly terrestrial enclosure typically for the display of amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects, and/or plants.






Structure primarily holding or exhibiting flighted animals



Walled building with a roof, typically divided into stalls and with a single set of environmental factors



A structure that provides a habitation for bees, as in a hollow tree, or a man-made receptacle



Container open at top, often deep. May be made of plastic, metal or wood.Typically is portable and could be used as a holding enclosure for such animals as tortoises, baby birds or other animals that are unable to jump or climb out. Bin and tub are synonymous terms



Container, usually six sided and with the ability to close the top, not as sturdy as a crate, often temporary but can be used for long-term housing for small animals, typically made of cardboard or plastic. Box and shoebox are synonymous terms



Small container with environmental control, used for the rearing of young animals, especially birds



The most generic term for a stationary structure with walls and a roof, typically divided into rooms, often with differentiated environmental parameters.



Subterranean hole in which animal shelters



Enclosed roofed area, often with at least one side made of mesh or bars to let in air and light



Representative of a natural underground void, typically large enough for a human to enter.



Walled building with a roof, typically for housing groups of gallinacious birds, interior typically has nest boxes and perches for the birds



Container typically used to transport or introduce animals to a larger enclosure, sturdier than a box, typically framed and sheathed



Small plastic/paper container, usually recycled after intended use



Small enclosed space where animal shelters; typically sleeping quarters or for birthing, often attached to a larger enclosure and off-exhibit


Emergence Chamber

A closed container for emerging Lepidoptera pupae that will prevent escape of parasitic Hymenoptera they may contain, into the environment.


Enclosure Group

An assemblage of enclosures that may encompass other smaller Enclosure Groups associated with it. Enclosure Groups can be organized by location within the institution, teams, or zoo-geography and include exhibit and off-exhibit areas. An Enclosure Group may be a Parent enclosure with Child enclosures under it, or a Child enclosure under a Parent enclosure



An enclosure where animals are displayed, usually to the public



A structure or area for housing flighted animals which is large enough to promote flying, typically short term housing and off-exhibit



A container with safe guards for housing venomous animals



A type of Building that contains multiple rooms that hold similar taxa



A container with environmental control of humidity and temperature for eggs, small animals and/or cultures


Insulated box

Insulated portable container often used for transporting invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians. Typically made of plastic and/or styrofoam.



An area surrounded by a subterranean barrier, usually a moat



Cylindrical container made of glass, plastic or earthenware, typically with a mouth that can be plugged, corked or capped



Tree trunk modified to house small specimens



Open or mesh fronted building with multiple bays that house raptors commonly used in educational demonstrations



Trench or channel wide and deep enough to act as a barrier that surrounds all or part of an area



Place of refuge to hold animal's eggs or provide a place to live or raise offspring



Designated area for the care of young animals by staff


Open Range

An area of land without fences or other barriers, or fences and barriers are far apart



An enclosure that contains both aquatic and terrestrial elements



An open topped enclosure for holding animals. The term describes multiple forms of enclosures that may confine one or many animals. Construction varies depending on purpose, animal species to be confined, local materials used, and cultural tradition. Boma, corral, paddock, pen and yard are synonymous terms


Petrie dish

A shallow cylindrical glass or plastic lidded dish



A subterranean hollow where viewing is typically from above



Box, room, or cabinet used to keep things artificially cold (refrigerator) or frozen (freezer)



A subset of a building, enclosed by four walls and a ceiling with the potential of environmental control.



Indoor or outdoor enclosure with a length dimension greater than the width dimension for use as an exercise area



A slight structure for shelter, either a separate building or attached to a permanent building as a lean to, typically with open front or sides and no interior divisions



Something that provides cover or protection, as from the weather.


Sky kennel

Rigid plastic container with a hinged metal mesh door at one end typically used for shipping animals.  May also be used to isolate and treat small animals for a period of time



A subset of a barn, wall partitions may be partial or continuous from floor to ceiling


Test tube

A small tube of glass, open at the top with a rounded bottom



Used for transport and/or as temporary housing before or immediately following transport. Environmental controls are often present



A small, mostly terrestrial enclosure typically for the display of amphibians, reptiles, insects, and/or plants


Parent Enclosure

Water Type

Water Type



A mix of salt and freshwater with a lower salinity than seawater.  Also known as brackish water.


Unmodified freshwater obtained from surface sources


Beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and fractures of rock formations often collected from a well


Provided by city, town, or township

Rain Water

Precipitation collected before entering water courses


Unmodified seawater obtained from natural sources

Seawater (artificial)

Man-made replication of seawater

Recycled Water

Water captured through storm water pipes and treated in a Water Recycling Plant for re-use.


Volume and Volume Unit of Measurement (UOM)

Responsible Party

Operational Date



Error Code and Error Message

Below is what the Add New Enclosure screen in ZIMS looks like.

Back to Order for Template Completion


Life Support Systems

Note:   This sheet should be completed after the Enclosure Template sheet and before the Components sheet.


This sheet will migrate your life support systems, which may be aquatic, terrestrial or incubation systems.  Life support systems are the umbrella groups that encompass the individual components that sustain life for the animals in an enclosure.  You will establish your life support systems here, and list the components in the Component Template to be attached to the Life Support System.  Life Support Systems can be attached to an enclosure.


Example of Structure:

Polar Bear Exhibit (Enclosure)

Polar Bear Exhibit Life Support (Life support system)

 Polar Bear High Rate Sand Filter (component)

 Polar Bear Ozone Generator (component)

 Polar Bear Pool ORP Meter 1 (component)

 Polar Bear Pool Chiller (component)


Column Instructions:


Life Support Group

Life Support Status

Life Support Name

Responsible Party


Connected to Enclosure



Error Code and Error Message

Below is what the Add New Life Support screen looks like.


Back to Order for Template Completion



Note:   This sheet should be completed after the Life Support System Template.

This template sheet is used to migrate your life support components into ZIMS.  Components are the individual entities that make up your life support system.  Components are attached to a life support system, and the life support system is attached to an enclosure as follows:

Example of Structure:

Polar Bear Exhibit (Enclosure)

Polar Bear Exhibit Life Support (Life support system)

 Polar Bear High Rate Sand Filter (component)

 Polar Bear Ozone Generator (component)

 Polar Bear Pool ORP Meter 1 (component)

 Polar Bear Pool Chiller (component)


Components are entered individually so that you can track measurements, maintenance, notes, etc. on each separate entity.


Column Instructions:


Component Name

Component Type


Attached to Life Support



Error Code and Error Message

Below is what the Add New Component screen looks like in ZIMS.

Back to Order for Template Completion



Note:   This sheet should be filled out after the Animal Collections and Enclosure sheets have been completed.

This template will be used to migrate in your current animal collection.  Any animals you currently hold should be listed in this sheet.  Animals that are out on loan will need to be entered once the migration is complete. Historical inventory should not be included.

Column Instructions:

Accession Date

Accession Event Type





Animal was born/hatched at your institution

  • Birth/hatch (Physical and Ownership)
  • Birth/hatch (Physical only)
  • Birth/hatch (Ownership only)

Collected from Wild

Animal was removed from the wild to be added to an institution’s collection. 

  • Collected from Wild (Physical and Ownership)
  • Collected from Wild (Physical only)
  • Collected from Wild (Ownership only)
  • By-catch (Physical and Ownership)
  • By-catch (Physical only)
  • By-catch (Ownership only)

From Another Institution

Animal was received from another institution

  • Designated to My Institution (Ownership only)
  • Donation (Physical and Ownership)
  • Donation (Ownership only)
  • Lease From (Physical only)
  • Lease Transfer From (Physical Only)
  • Loan In From (Physical Only)
  • Loan Transfer From (Physical only)
  • Purchase From (Physical and Ownership)
  • Purchase From (Ownership only)
  • Trade From (Physical and Ownership)
  • Trade From (Ownership only)
  • Undetermined (Physical and Ownership)
  • Indeterminate (Physical and Ownership)



Injured or orphaned animal either brought into your institution by another or removed from the wild by your staff for animal care/welfare reasons.

  • Rescued (Physical and Ownership)
  • Rescued (Physical Only)
  • Rescued (Ownership Only)


Animal was acquired without prior institutional intent.

  • Appeared (Physical and Ownership)
  • Appeared (Physical Only)
  • Appeared (Ownership Only)


The terms of the acquisition are not known at this time

  • Undetermined (Physical and Ownership)
  • Undetermined (Physical only)
  • Undetermined (Ownership only)
  • Indeterminate (Physical and Ownership)
  • Indeterminate (Physical Only)
  • Indeterminate (Ownership)


Sending Institution

Owning Institution

Local ID


Count/Sex Type

Count/Sex Type =

Animal appears in ZIMS as:

Male or 1.0.0

Individual male animal

Female or 0.1.0

Individual female animal


Individual animal of unknown sex


Individual animal of unknown sex


Group of (2) male animals


Group of (2) female animals


Group of (2) animals of unknown sex


Group of (6) animals containing 2 males, 2 females, 2 animals of unknown sex


Group of 1 colony of animals



Accession Type =




Birth/Hatch/From Another Institution/Undetermined



Accession Type =




Birth/Hatch/From Another Institution/Undetermined


Begin Date (Date of Birth or Establish Date)





Error Code and Error Message


Below is what the Individual Animal From Another Institution accession screen looks like in ZIMS:


Back to Order for Template Completion



Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation