Using the contact directory in ZIMS to manage internal and external contact details.
The ZIMS Contact Directory is found under My Institution > Details tab > Contact Directory. There are three ways to add Contacts:
To add a New Contact from the Contact Directory, select Actions > Add New Contact.
When adding a new Contacts via the Contact Directory, Institution Name is required and these Contacts should be people at other Institutions. If you want to add a Horticulturist that you use as a Contact, for example, you should add them from your Staff grid where you do not have to associate another Institution with them. Another option would be to add their “Institution/Business” as a Local Institution.
If you want to add additional communication information such as address, phone and email address, highlight the Contact in the results grid and select Actions > View/Edit Communication Details
The results grid displays the results found. The email column is a hyperlink to make contacting the person easy.
Revised 5 March 2025
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