Sharing Samples (single record sharing) was created so when you ship a sample to the EAZA Biobank you can share a single sample record with them, and they can record storage details for it. You only need to share samples that are being shipped to one of the four Biobank hubs. The Biobank will not be able to change any of the sample collection information. At this time, this functionality is intended only for use by institutions contributing samples to the EAZA Biobank project. You can only share a parent sample; no subsamples can be shared.
To share the Sample, highlight it in the Medical dashboard and select Share This Record above the preview pane.
The shared sample will display in the External Sharing grid in My Institution.
In the Sample Storage search results, records previously shared will be marked with “”.
To determine if a record is already shared:
The EAZA BioBank can now find the record in ZIMS and record storage information. If you have entered the sample collection details into your ZIMS for Medical records and shared with EAZA Biobank as described above, then you are done (of course you need to send the sample to them!).
For members not using ZIMS for Medical or Sample Storage, you may opt to have EAZA Biobank staff enter the sample collection data on your behalf using information found on the sample submission form. In this situation you will see that information in your local ZIMS medical records and listed in your External Sharing grid. For EAZA Biobank to enter data on your behalf your institution must be on Biobank’s “Authorizing Institution” list. You may view this list by searching for the EAZA Biobank in ZIMS and viewing institution details. By default, all EAZA members are Authorizing Institutions. If you use ZIMS and would like to be added to or removed from the Authorizing Institution list, or if you need more information, please contact . Opting out means EAZA Biobank cannot enter sample records on your behalf. Those samples will then be created as an Incomplete Accession.
To set the preference for the EAZA Biobank to prefill as the default when sharing a sample go to Start > Institution > Institution Preferences > Medical Preferences > Single Record Sharing.
Enter EAZA_BANK (EAZA Biobank) and Save & Apply for All Users. When sharing a sample, the Institution will now default to this.
Revised 5 March 2025
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