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Animals-Split Merge Search Options


How to find group and individual records that have been Split or Merged and how to request a merge.

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Note, changes in Husbandry records can impact animals held in
ZIMS for Studbooks (click here for more information) .

Need help? Support can help with merges: Click here to request assistance.

Identifying Merged Records:
To find records that have been Split (members taken out of a group) or Merged (members added to a group), open the Animals module and expand the left hand search box. Use the right side arrow to open up Animal/Group Merge Split History.

You can filter the search by:

  1.      Both Merges and Splits, just Merges or just Splits
  2.      You can select a date range. If you leave End Date blank it will default to today’s date
  3.      If a Responsible Party was recorded you can limit to that Staff member
  4.      You can filter by Taxonomy. Include Taxon below is checked by default


 The result list will display any Splits or Merges that match your filter:

  1. Date of the Merge or Split
  2. Whether it was a Merge or a Split
  3. Reason for the Merge or Split
  4. Taxonomy involved
  5. Details of the Merge or Split. The GANs are hyperlinks into the records.



Revised 5 March 2025


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