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Explains why Species counts may be different across various ZIMS Tools.




There are several Tools in ZIMS that display a count by Species. For these Tools, ZIMS calculates the counts using different parameters.


Animal Charts

Start > Animals > Charts > Taxonomy/Animal Type tab > Count Species > My Institution > Count Species


ZIMS looks for animal where the institution has an accession (initial record) or visit (subsequent records). It looks for both individual animals and groups of animals physically held at the institution. It includes groups with a 0 count but that are still open. It does not consider Ownership and does not look for animals/groups out on loan, so if a Species is only represented as an out-on-loan it will not be counted here. The species must be lower than Animalia and the chart is presented at the Class level.  If animal/group is Alive and at the institution, it is considered Current. If the animal has been dispositioned or died it is considered Historical. A Species can be counted only as a Current or Historical count; it is not counted in both. For example, if you currently hold Canis rufus, the Species will only be counted in Current numbers and not Historical, even if you historically held members of the Species. This avoids duplicate Species counting. Hovering over the columns will display the actual Species count. Subspecies are not counted as such.


95 Current and 349 Total Species were found.


Institution Statistics

Start > Institution > My Institution > Statistics tab


ZIMS looks at both Physical and Ownership status for this count. It only includes living animals. It also includes open groups with a count of zero. Species and Subspecies are counted separately.


The total count here is higher (115) than in the Chart because some Species counted may only be out on loan (not counted in the Chart) and Subspecies are included.


Inventory Detail Report

Reports > Inventory Detail Report


The Species counts displayed at the end of Inventory Detail Report will depend on what report filters are selected. The counts will also depend on the Taxonomic Resolution selected.


The total species count here (175) is higher than either of the previous counts. Reasons this count may be higher are 1) if you hold a species as both Individual Animals and Groups, the Species will be counted in both entities and 2) if you hold a Species on site but also have that Species out on loan, the Species will be counted twice. This report does not include Species with only open groups with a count of 0 (so this might actually make this count be lower than the other two).


The Summary Inventory Report does not display a Species count at the end.


Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation