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How to create and manage Nest IDs




Nest IDs aren’t just for the birds! Other animals often have a preferred spot (a den for example) to give birth and raise their young in. Nest IDs can be used to capture this information.


The Nest ID is found in the Birth/Hatch and From Lay Accession screens. It is a free text field and will not reference any previous entries unlike Clutch/Litter ID that develops a local drop down list to select from. This means that you need to be very careful when you enter them, especially if you want to find any activity in a specific nest. It is Best Practice to develop a naming convention and to keep a running list of your Nest IDs and their locations.


Once the record is saved, Nest ID displays in the Basic Info and Parent Info grid in the animal record.


If you did not enter a Nest ID during the accessing process, you can add one from the Parents grid using the Actions menu. You can also edit the Nest ID if incorrectly entered here.


To find animals that were hatched/born in a specific Nest ID use the Animal Advanced Search and scroll down to Nest ID.



Below we see that a screech owl used this particular nest in 2019 and a kookaburra used it in 2020.


Revised 5 March 2025


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