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Entities and Accession Modes

Accessioning a Single Egg

Creating a Clutch

Hatch of a Single Egg

Death of a Single Egg

Disposal of a Single Egg

Recording Incubation and Fertility and Weights

Note Types

Accessioning a Group of Eggs

Hatch of a Group of Eggs

Death of a Group of Eggs

Disposal of a Group of Eggs

Splitting/Merging a Group of Eggs

Managing an Egg Mass

Eggs in Reports



Entities and Accession Modes

ZIMS has three options for egg entities:


The Modes of accession for Egg and Group of Eggs are:


The Modes of accession for Egg Mass are:


Accessioning a Single Egg

From Another Institution – This accession Mode will behave exactly like receiving an animal from another institution. If a ZIMS institution sends you the egg, it will appear in your By My Institution Pendings list. If a non-ZIMS facility sends you the egg you will need to record a new accession from Start > Accession > Egg > From Another Institution.


Collected From Wild, Rescued and Appeared – You will create a new accession just like you would for an individual animal.


From Lay – There are two ways to accession an egg From Lay. You can go to Start > Accession > Egg > From Lay. A time saving way to accession an egg From Lay is to go into the dam’s record. You will find this option under Details tab > Actions > Egg Laid From This Animal. This option is available only for species that lay eggs and only for animals with sex of female, undetermined or indeterminate. It is not an option under the record for a male. The advantage to this accession method is that the dam, the taxonomy and the dam’s enclosure will prefill.


For any of the accession Modes you are not required to record a Local ID. If you do not, you may wish to record an Egg ID (a physical identifier) to make sure you are in the correct record later.


The entity in the Basic Info screen will be Egg.


Creating a Clutch

If you are accessioning multiple single eggs that are part of a clutch, you can create a clutch and assign the eggs to it. Clutches are driven by Taxonomy, Parentage and Clutch Start Date.


Hatch of a Single Egg

To hatch a single egg:


Death of a Single Egg

To record a death of a single egg:


Should the hatchling die soon after hatch, you should record the hatch event first and then record a death. Otherwise it appears that the embryo never made it out of the egg.


Disposal of a Single Egg

Disposal is used to capture what you did with an infertile egg, an egg whose fertility was not known, or a fertile egg you did not wish to incubate. To record a disposal of a single egg:


Recording Incubation and Fertility and Tracking Egg Weights

When you record the initial accession of the egg you have the option to record the Incubation and Fertility status although it is not mandatory. You can use the batch functionality to update the incubation and fertility status of multiple eggs at the same time.


For incubation weights, these will be recorded in the same location in ZIMS as the live weights – the difference is in the ‘type’ of weight – 1) egg/egg mass vs. 2) live weights.
Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated
3) Egg weights can be visualized in the Animal Graphing Tool to track changes over the incubation period. Click here for more information on the graphing weights.
4) If you need to set expected weight ranges for your monitored eggs, you can set up target weight ranges.


If an egg is recorded From Lay, the Fertility is probably not known at the time. To add or edit either Incubation or Fertility go to the Parent grid > Actions. You can edit both here. Any changes to the Fertility status are not tracked. You can see changes to the Incubation by selecting to View Incubation Change History.


Note Type

There are some Note Types and Sub Types that can help you gather details on your eggs.


Accessioning a Group of Eggs

A Group of Eggs is a number of eggs that you cannot individually identify or you chose to manage as a Group even though you can tell them apart. The number of eggs in the Group can be counted. All of the accession Modes for a Single Egg are available for a Group of Eggs. Usually a Group of Eggs is recorded as a simple count and not tracked by Life Stage or Sex. You do not have to record a Local ID when accessioning a Group of Eggs.


Hatch of a Group of Eggs

There are several ways to record hatching in a Group of Eggs. What method you select is driven by if you want to capture specific hatch dates for each egg or if you are happy with capturing an estimated hatch date for each egg.


All eggs that hatched did so on the same day:


All eggs that hatched did not hatch on the same day:


Eggs hatched on different days and you want to record specific Hatch Date related to each egg:


Death of a Group of Eggs

If all the eggs are determined to be fertile and are found dead in shell:


If some of the eggs are determined to be fertile and are found dead in shell:


If an egg hatches and the hatchling dies very soon after, this should be recorded as a Hatch and then Death, not a Death of the egg. See Hatching a Group of Eggs above.


Disposal of a Group of Eggs

Disposal is used to capture what you did with infertile eggs, eggs whose fertility was not known, or fertile eggs you did not wish to incubate. For disposal of the entire Group of Eggs:


For disposal of some of the Group of Eggs:


Splitting/Merging a Group of Eggs

Splitting a Group of Eggs was mentioned above under Hatching a Group of Eggs. Groups of Eggs may be Split for reasons other than hatching. You may pull some from a nest to artificially incubate. Or you may disposition some to another institution. To Split a Group of Eggs:


You can also Merge Groups of Eggs. If one Group is not being incubated, you could add the eggs to a nest being well-tended. Or you may return eggs being artificially incubated to the remaining eggs in the nest. To Merge a Group into a Group in focus:


To Merge a Group in focus into a different Group:


Managing an Egg Mass

In general, follow the instructions for Group of Eggs above. Appeared and Rescued are not available as accession Modes for an Egg Mass.


Eggs in Reports

The following egg data can be added to the search results

  1. Via column customization:
  1. Results with added columns can be exported to excel


Eggs do not display in all the Reports related to animals. They do display in these Reports:


They do not display in these Reports:




Revised 5 March 2025


It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation