How the two modules work together with shared data.
Although the Medical and Husbandry modules are managed as separate modules in ZIMS, some information recorded in the Husbandry module is displayed in the Medical module and some information recorded in the Medical module is displayed in the Husbandry module. In most instances, the data can be edited or deleted only from within the module where it was initially recorded.
Husbandry Data Display in Medical Module
When a death is recorded in Husbandry before a Necropsy is submitted in Medical, the Death Date and Manner of Death will copy over into that field in the Submission tab (left). The Relevant Death Info, Primary Body System Affected and Carcass Disposition will copy over into that field in the Finalize tab (right).
All of this information is editable in both the Medical and Husbandry modules; if the copied over data is edited in Medical, it will need to be manually edited in Husbandry.
Medical Data Display in Husbandry Module
When some information entered in the Medical module is displayed in the Husbandry module, you will be given an indication that the data was sourced from the Medical module. You will not be able to edit this information from the Husbandry module.
Any information recorded in the Animal Care Staff Medical Summary will display in the Husbandry module Notes/Observation grid, as well as within the Medical module. Above is the display in the Medical module.
Above is the Husbandry view of the Animal Care Staff Medical Summary information from the previous screen shot. You can tell this note was entered on the Medical module as the title is Clinical Medical Summary Note. You cannot edit or delete this note, those actions can only be done from the Medical module because it was entered there.
The Husbandry Staff Notes in the Case Info and Finalize tabs of the Biopsy and the Necropsy modules will also display in the Husbandry module Notes and Observations grid.
From the Basic Info in the Medical record you can add a new weight (left). This hyperlink will take you into the Husbandry module’s Add New Weight screen. This weight will display in the Husbandry module and it can be edited from there (right). There is no indication that the weight was entered via the Medical module.
When recording an anesthesia or treatment event, the Veterinarian has the option to use the last weight recorded which is usually sourced from the Husbandry module weight grid. They also have the option to record a new weight for the animal. If a new weight is recorded, this information is copied into the weight grid in the Husbandry animal record. If this is an estimated weight recorded during a Prescription, it is NOT copied into the Husbandry module.
This weight cannot be edited from the Husbandry module and can only be edited from within the Medical record. You can see the weight recorded on 14 August was sourced from a treatment record. If you do NOT want weights recorded in the Medical module you can do so under Institution Preferences > ZIMS Accessibility.
When a Necropsy is submitted prior to a death being recorded in the Husbandry module, an Incomplete Disposition is created in the Husbandry module.
• This allows the ‘death record’ to be started from a Necropsy submission
• It guarantees that Husbandry staff will have the ability to confirm death information linked to formal medical necropsy record
• If details are not in agreement between the Husbandry and Medical staff these changes can be noted and corrected
• A Necropsy Submission also creates a Calendar Task
Incomplete Dispositions display under the Statistics tab in the Animals module.
Clicking on the GAN hyperlink GAN will take you to the My Transactions tab of the animal’s record where you will see a Death transaction pending. You are allowed to Confirm/Edit the death record, Deny or Delete it or state that No Info is Available or that the record will Not be Recorded in ZIMS.
Data Shared Between the Modules
Animal Lists can be created in both the Husbandry and the Medical modules and are available for use
in each module (if marked as Shared), regardless of which one they were created in.
Health Status and Body Condition Scores display in, and can be updated in, both the Husbandry and the Medical modules.
• In Husbandry find them in the Basic Info grid in the Details tab of the animal record.
• In Medical, find them in the right hand Basic Info area.
In addition, Health Status can be updated in both the Anesthesia and the Diagnosis & Prescriptions modules. The most recent entry in either module is what will display.
Medical Data in Data Entry Monitoring
• All medical entries can be viewed and rolled back by Local Admin
• Weights that are recorded during Anesthesia or Treatment do not display as separate entries so they cannot be rolled back
• Weights recorded from Basic Info can be rolled back
Medical Data in Activity Report
• Weights recorded (including estimated weights)
• Animal Care Staff Medical Summary note
• Other medical entries are not displayed
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation