ZIMS is built around the value of global sharing of data. See
Global Data and External Sharing
for details about what information is shared globally by default or between institutions when External Sharing is selected and
Medical Sharing
for sharing Medical records. For some of the information the Global view (animals you have never held or owned) may be different from the Local view (animals you have held or owned). This document covers what is displayed for the two view scopes.
Topics Covered
Local View
The most recent Taxonomy recorded by the Institution
If there are two records with the same date, the most recent time stamp record will display.
Global View
First institution’s (current Species360 member) most recent Taxonomy entry that is listed as current by Species360 (not an obsolete Taxonomy) OR the last reported Taxonomy by a current Species360 member where a Taxonomy Determination method of DNA/RNA genetic analysis has been selected for the Taxonomic record (see next bullet).
If any Taxonomy record was determined by DNA/RNA genetic analysis by a current Species360 member, the Global value will be the earliest reported Taxonomy by that member institution, even if it is an obsolete Taxonomy.
Hybrid Type
Local View
The hybrid status that has been checked by the Institution.
Global View
Follows the rules for Global Taxonomy as above. The hybrid status will display as entered by whatever Institution “owns” the Global Taxonomy record.
Birth/Hatch Date, Birth/Hatch Type, Birth/Hatch Location
Local View
As recorded by the Institution.
Global View
If there is a Birth/Hatch Transaction recorded in My Transactions by the first reporting Species360 member institution, regardless of ownership only, physical only or both.
Birth Date is equal to the Birth transaction date as recorded by the first reporting Species360 member institution.
Birth Location is equal to the location associated with the Birth event as recorded by the first reporting Species360 member institution.
Birth Type is based on the values on the Birth as recorded by the first reporting Species360 member institution.
If there is no Birth/Hatch Transaction reported in My Transactions by the first reporting Species360 member institution.
Birth Date is equal to the first event location Birth/Hatch date.
For Group records Partial Birth/Hatch dates are not used.
If there are both Local only (animal is in a Collection marked as Local Scope) and Global visits, only the Global visits are used.
If a Local Scope visit is the only one that has Birth/Hatch information, Animal Basic Info will display “Not shared Globally” for all Birth/Hatch information.
Birth/Hatch Type is set based on the values on the visit of the institution whose event location was used for the Birth/Hatch date.
Egg Laid Type
Local View
As recorded by the Institution.
Global View
Laid Date is like to Birth/Hatch Date as above.
If there is an Egg Lay transaction recorded
Lay Type is taken from the institution that recorded to Lay transaction in My Transactions regardless of ownership only, physical only or both.
If there is no Egg Lay transaction recorded
Lay Type is equal to the Lay Type associated with the first event location laid date.
For Groups, Partial Lay events are not used.
If there are both Local only (animal is in a Collection marked as Local Scope) and Global visits, only the Global visits are used.
If a Local Scope visit is the only one that has entered Egg Laid information, Animal Basic Info will display “Not shared Globally” for Egg Laid Type.
Sex Type
Local View
Last Sex Type reported by the Institution based on most recent Sex Type change date.
If more than one on the same day, use the one entered last.
Global View
The most recent Sex Type entered by the last holding institution.
If nothing is reported by the holder, then the most recent Sex Type entered by the last owning Institution
If nothing is reported by the current holder/owner, the most recent Sex Type recorded by any Institution.
Information entered by an Institution that has the animal in a Local scope Collection will not be used in this calculation.
If two sex change records occurred on the same day for any of these scenarios, then the most recent record will display.
Life Stage
Local and Global View
The Life Stage that was most recently recorded based on the Start Date, regardless of Institution.
If multiple Life Stages have the same Start Date, then the one marked current, if it exists, will display.
If the most current Life Stage has and End Date, the Life Stage value will not display in Basic Info.
Information entered by an Institution that has the animal in a Local scope Collection will not be displayed.
Local and Global View
Both will display the most recently entered Rearing record by any Institution who recorded it based on most recent Rearing Start Date.
Note that Rearing displays in the Rearing grid and on Specimen and Taxon Reports only.
Local and Global View
All Parents recorded by all Institutions will display in the Parents grid, in search results (if those columns are selected) and Specimen and Taxon Reports.
Group: Total Group Count
Local View
The most recent census recorded by the Institution, either via census count or My Transactions.
Global View
The most recent census recorded from all Institutions either by census count or My Transactions.
Group: Track by Life Stage, Track by Sex Type
Local View
The values set on most recent census count recorded by that Institution.
Global View
The values set on most recent census count recorded from all Institutions.
Revised 5 March 2025