The Enrichment module in ZIMS is a three-step process. First you create an Enrichment Item, then you Assign the item to an animal(s), and finally you record Sessions using the Enrichment Item.
To create a new Enrichment Item, open the Animals module. At the bottom of the left side search box go to Enrichment Item Search > Search > Add New.
You can also add a new item from the Enrichment grid (under More Details) > Actions > Assign Enrichment Item > Add New Enrichment Item.
You can capture a lot of information in the Enrichment Item grid but only the Enrichment Item Name is mandatory. Because the Item search looks at the beginning of the name, it is recommended that if you have different types of similar items you name them by type first and then the specifics. Below we are adding a scent that is peppermint. We could also add a scent, lilac and scent, orange. Another example would be various balls would be named ball, red and ball, blue. If you have not followed this convention, the Item can be found in the search by placing a “%” before and after the Item Name.
If a Status of “Not Approved” is selected, you will not be able to assign the item to any animals.
By default, the Item will be assigned to Animalia. If you assign an Item to a Taxon using Taxon Approved for you will be able to assign the Item only to members of that Taxon, or below. You cannot assign the item below to a bongo as it is assigned to Primates and Carnivores.
Currently, the Enclosure Approved for is for your information only. It will not limit assignment only to occupants of that enclosure.
The following Rules apply for the Active/Inactive radio buttons
• Active
• Can be Assigned and Sessions added at any time after the Assignment date to the appropriate taxa
• Inactive
• If already Assigned
Sessions can be added on dates between Assignment date and date it was marked Inactive
• If not already Assigned
It cannot be Assigned
Workaround for historical data
Mark Active – Assign to Record – Mark Inactive
Sessions can be added between Assignment/Inactive dates
Your Enrichment Items will display in the Enrichment Item Search results grid. This is also where you go to edit or delete any Items, or add new ones.
You then need to assign the item(s) to an animal. First set the date when the item was assigned. Take care when backdating items as you cannot create a Enrichment Session for a date earlier than when the Item was Assigned.
Only Items assigned to the species (or a higher taxonomy) or with no Taxonomic assignment will display in the Assign Item grid. Note that the jolly ball and plastic box appear in the left-hand record below (a mammal), but they do not in the right-hand record (a bird). The jolly ball and plastic box were assigned to the Mammalia taxonomic record so do not display for selection in the bird record on the right.
You can assign multiple enrichment items at the same time, or choose to select all. However, if the Enrichment Goal is not the same for each item you should assign them separately to capture the Goal correctly.
The Enrichment Goal is a cascading multi-select dropdown and the Presentation is a free text field.
The Item(s) will now display in the record.
Once you have your Enrichment Items assigned, you can record an Enrichment Session. Select Add New under Sessions. As mentioned, the Date cannot be before the Item was assigned. Date is the only mandatory field. The Animal Reaction is a multi-select cascading dropdown. If adjustments need to be made you can record them in the Details box, or use this free text field as needed.
You can view the Sessions from the View/Edit link. You can Add a New Session, or Edit or Delete a Session from this grid. You can also export the grid to Excel or pdf for reviewing or emailing.
To edit existing enrichment items, you must have appropriate role rights and need to be aware that previously entered sessions may be impacted. Always add a note to impacted animals records when editing an assigned enrichment item –
1) From Animals module, left hand Enrichment Item Search,
2) Find item to edit, see impacted animals (consider a Batch note)
3) Edit selected item
You can also schedule Enrichment Sessions using the Calendar Task Functionality.
There are two ways to export enrichment information, through the animal record by exporting the Enrichment Grid, or running an Enrichment Session Report.
You can quickly export the enrichment information for an animal’s record by clicking on the Export to PDF or Export to Excel buttons within the Enrichment Grid. The export will list every assigned enrichment item, along with the sessions for that item. Below is an example of the PDF export.
You can export the enrichment sessions for multiple animals or for a taxonomic group by running the Enrichment Session Report. The report can be found in the start menu under reports.
To run the report, choose whether to run for a taxonomy or specific animals (1), you can include or exclude animals in particular collections (2). Set your date range (3) then click Export for Raw Excel (4).
The Excel export will list each session within the search criteria with all the details.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation