Animal Charts can give you quick answers to some very common questions asked about your animal collection and the entire ZIMS database.
The Animal Charts are found under Start > Animals > Charts.
The first tab – Taxonomy/Animal Type - graphs the number of animal types (individual or groups) both historically and currently. You can select to look only at your institution or the entire ZIMS database. You can also select to view a count by Animals or a count by Species. Hovering over the columns will give you the actual counts.
Note: “Count Species” counts species and above; subspecies and breeds are not counted. For example, these taxa would appear as four "species” in the chart:
The second tab – Taxonomy/Birth Type – graphs the number of animals that were Captive Born verses Wild Born at your institution or the entire ZIMS database. A count by Species is not available for this graph.
The third tab – Taxonomy/IUCN At Risk % - graphs the number of Animals or Species at your institution or the entire ZIMS database that IUCN considers to be At Risk. This can be run for your institution or the entire ZIMS database.
The remaining three tabs – IUCN Red List Status, CITES and CITES EU - can all be run for your institution or the entire ZIMS database and by Animal or Species count. Remember to hover over the columns to view the actual counts.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation