Feed Logs let you track what you feed and how much of it is consumed. It is useful for both individuals and groups and is especially helpful when tracking the feeding of a hand reared infant.
To create a Feed Log:
Go to Animals > More Details Tab > Feed Logs > Actions Menu > Add New.
Feed Logs are also available as a
Batch action
Feed log entries can also be made via the
Husbandry Log Template
Animal Graphing Tool
on this index of tools in husbandry. Using this tool, you can visualize animal weights and lengths in the same view as feed log entries.
Some information about the data entry screen:
As noted, if you have not completed all mandatory fields in a line that part of the record will not be saved.
Within the record, use the “+” to expand the single record in the Feed Log grid. The second entry below has been expanded.
Use the Expand All icon to expand all the entries.
Highlighting an entry and selecting View/Edit, or double clicking on any of the lines, will open the edit screen. If you need to delete an entry, select the trash icon.
To save you time you can Clone an entry. Highlight the record and select Clone Selected from the Actions menu.
Record the Feeding Date and make any edits needed before Saving. The new log will be saved to the record.
The Search Form allows you to search for Feed Logs during a specified Date Range or by who did the feeding.
Revised 5 March 2025
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