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Notes & Observations Edit Limitation 


How to edit an original note sourced from other screens in ZIMS

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When you record information in the Details/Comments boxes of data entry screens other than Notes/Observations screens, the information will display in the Notes/Observations grid. The notes in red below were sourced from the Development Milestones data entry screen.



If you select to edit the Note from the Notes/Observation grid, only the Keywords and the Note itself are editable. The Keywords are sourced from the origin data entry screen and it is recommended that you do not edit these as you would lose that information.


If you edit the Note here, the edits will display as edited in the source data entry screens, in this case in the Development Milestones grid.


To edit the Date of the Note you will need to edit the source information, again, in this case the Development Milestone grid).


The Notes and Observations view serves as a centralized view for many types of records and is only the full featured editing view for the Notes and Observations entered directly into this screen.


Revised 5 March 2025




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