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Tracking Life Stages


Recording Life Stages in Individual and Group Records 


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Individual Animal Record

Tracking the Life Stages of an animal can provide important information regarding its growth. If you decide to track an animal by Life Stage, it is very important that you keep it updated as the application will not automatically update to the next Life Stage at specific ages. For example, if you have a gorilla birth and you record the Life Stage as Infant but you never update it, the gorilla will remain an Infant its entire life. Life Stages have beginning and end dates.


The initial entry for a Life Stage can be recorded during the accessioning process and is available on all Individual animal accessions. The options available in the drop down list are filtered by taxonomy.



The Life Stage grid is found in the More Details tab of the Individual animal record. If the Life Stage was added during Accessioning, by default it will be the Current Life Stage.



To add a new updated Life Stage, or add one if not recorded during the Accession, select Actions>Add New.



If it is the current Life Stage for the animal the End Date should be blank and you should check the Current Life Stage box. If you have a previous Life Stage recorded, once you Save, the application will automatically record the Life Stage Start Date for your current entry as the End Date for the previous Life Stage recorded. It will also uncheck the Current Life Stage box for the previous entry.



Group Record


 Life stages 5.png
You can choose to track a group by Life Stage (e.g. recording 5 juveniles and 3 adults) when you create a group accession. When recording the Group Count check the Track by Life Stage box and record your entry.


 life stages 7.png

The Census Info grid will indicate the group is tracked by Life Stage and the total count of the group will be displayed. To update a census count, select Actions>Add New. The Track by Life Stage box will be checked by default.


Remember that you will need to change this manually as the animals age. It will not change automatically and you must record a census to update the Life Stage. If you want to stop Tracking by Life stage you must select to add a new census and uncheck the Track By Life Stage box.


Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation