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A fetus is an unborn offspring of a mammal. The presence of a fetus can be identified through blood and urine tests or by ultrasound. IMPORTANT NOTE: If a joey is found in a marsupial’s pouch it is NOT a fetus! It has been born and should be recorded as a Birth.

Accessioning a Fetus

Recording a Death of a Fetus

Recording a Birth of a Fetus

Finding Births or Hatches That Did Not Survive for 30 Days


Accessioning a Fetus

There are two ways to accession a fetus:


Either of these approaches will take you to the same accession screen. Some things to note:


Recording a Death of a Fetus

Should the fetus die you would record a Death just as you would for an animal that had been born:



Recording a Birth of a Fetus

The Birth of a Fetus is recorded as an Event and not a Transaction. This is because the Ownership and Physical Statuses at your facility have not changed.


Finding Births or Hatches That Did Not Survive for 30 Days

To find the answer to this question you can use Column Customization to fine tune and complete your search. For example, you want to know how many red pandas were born at your facility that did not survive 30 days. To get your answer complete the following steps:


  1. Use an Animal Advanced Search
    1. Select Local
    2. Select All Animals
    3. Whether or not you check to Include Incomplete Accessions is up to you
    4. Taxonomy = red panda
    5. Birth Institution = your institution
  2. From the search results grid
    1. Use Column customization and select both DOB/Established Date and Status columns to display.
    2. Move these columns so they are next to each other.
    3. Sort Status column by Descending. This will place all of the Dead animals at the top.
    4. Compare the DOB/Established Date with Dead as of Date
    5. Any animals with DOB/Established Date less than 30 days from the Dead as of Date did not survive for 30 days.



Revised 5 March 2025


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