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Animals - Physical Holder History


Viewing and interpreting the animal's physical holder history


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The Physical Holder History grid is found on the Details tab in an animal/group record and reflects all the institutions the animal/group has physically been held. Whereas the My Transactions tab displays only information about the record and your institution, this grid tracks an entire history of institutions that ever held the animal. The grid can be exported to Excel or pdf and all of the columns can be sorted by ascending or descending order.


1.The Date is the date recorded for the transaction

2.The Term is what was recorded by the institution noted in column 5

3.The Physical Sender is the institution the animal/group physically came from

4.To is where the animal physically went to

5.Reported By is the institution that recorded the information


The Physical History above is interpreted as:

1.On August 15, 2006, RIO GRAND reported a Birth/Hatch at their institution

2.On June 04, 2008, RIO GRAND reported sending the animal as a Sale to DENVER

3.On June 04, 2008, DENVER recorded receiving the animal as a Purchase from RIO GRAND

4.On March 20, 2014, TRACY AV recorded receiving the animal as a Donation from DENVER. DENVER did not also record a transaction for this because at this time there was no longer a bridge between the TRACKS software that DENVER uses and ZIMS.

5.On May 24, 2017, TRACY AV recorded sending the animal as a Donation to GREENVISC.

6.On May 24, 2017, GREENVISC recorded receiving the animal as a Donation from TRACY AV. The green dots on 5 and 6 indicate that the transaction was confirmed in ZIMS.


To understand the entire transaction history, you may need to compare this grid with the Ownership Transaction grid. See Ownership Transaction History


Revised 5 March 2025





It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation