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Animals-Group Census Search Options

How to find Group censuses using Group Census Search.


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The Animal Group Census Search allows you to find Group Censuses using various filters.



The Census Search is found in the Animals module. Use the desktop icon or go to Start > Animals > Search. The Census Search is the third search listed in the expandable search box.




 What information you are trying to find will determine what filters you want to use, or what combination of filters you need.

  1. Census Method: This is a data standard dropdown list. Be sure to read the hover-over definitions to understand them, especially when you are recording a census. You might search by Census Method if you want to know only when a Physical (a count obtained by physically handling the group members) census method was used. Or how many groups were being censused using Image method.
  2. Census Recording Date: This allows you to search by a date range. Your facility may have a Best Practice that all groups are censused monthly. Using this filter will allow you to check on that.
  3. Responsible Party: If Responsible Party is the person taking the census and it was recorded at the time of censusing, you could use this filter to check that a Staff member is counting all the groups they are responsible for.
  4. Taxonomy: This can be selected at a high Taxonomic level and by default all Taxonomy below the selection is included. For example, if you had several species of poison dart frogs you could filter at the Dendrobates level to capture all of their censuses at once.

You can use these filters separately or use multiple filters to find what you are looking for. Your results will display in a typical results grid where the Animal GAN column is a hyperlink right into the group record.


Revised 5 March 2025





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