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Colony Inventory Count vs Track By Colony


Census history colony counts vs colony inventory count used in ZIMS reports.

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  1.      In ZIMS you can track changes in group/colony dynamics with the census feature.
  2.      When choosing to track by colony, you are also allowed to define a Colony Inventory Count that will be used in reports.



The colony designation is either on or off for a group; ZIMS does not track the history of whether a group has been tracked as a colony.  If a user wishes to track this history, best practice would be to add a note on the date of colony tracking change, including the reason for the change in tracking method. 


For larger colonies, users may choose to set a Colony Inventory Count number.  This number will display, instead of the group count, on the Taxon Report, Inventory Reports, and in animal search results.  For example, a colony of group count 500 bees may have a Colony Inventory Count of 1, meaning 1 colony of 500 bees. This colony will display as 1 instead of 500 on Taxon Report, Inventory Reports, and in animal search results.


For inventory purposes manually update the Colony Inventory Count in the grid marked Taxonomy / Collection / Colony Inventory Count to change the number displayed on reports.


Revised 5 March 2025


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