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Animals-Adding Training Information


How to add training information, assign to an animal record and record sessions in ZIMS.


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Before you can assign Training information to an animal’s record, you should first define the training behavior/routine. To add a new Training Definition, use the Animal Training Definition Search found in the left hand search box in the Animal module (left). You can also add a new definition directly from within the animal record when you assign a new behavior (right).



The name of the routine should be short but clearly defined and must be unique. It is important that the description states exactly why the routine is being trained. Here we want to train the animal to put their paw against the bars as a first step towards enabling nail trimming without anesthesia. You can include training steps here, too.


The Training grid is found in the More Details tab in the animal record. Select Actions > Add New to assign the Training behavior to an animal.


Once new Training Info is added to an animal record, you will record training sessions for that specific behavior/routine. Select Add New to open the Sessions screen.


The Session Rating has four options from Excellent to Poor. Aggression is a simple Yes or No and is not mandatory. Recording the Trained By is recommended if there are future questions. Details is where you would describe what was done and the animal reaction.



Once the first session is recorded, the Add New button becomes a View/Edit button. Select this to add new Sessions or Edit or Delete recorded Sessions.


To change a Training status, highlight the appropriate behavior and select Change Training Status from the Actions menu. You can also select the hyperlink in the Current Status column.


Remember to note why the Status changed. The Status changes are captured in the Training

Status History grid.





By selecting the export option at the top of the Training Information grid, you get a training report in excel or PDF format for the animal in focus.  It lists each Behavior/Routine and all sessions recorded. 


Revised 5 March 2025




It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation