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Animals-Adding Rearing Information


How to add and update the method of rearing to an animal record in ZIMS.

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IMPORTANT NOTE! Although Rearing is not a required field in the ZIMS Husbandry module it is a very important piece of information to capture on many species such as Primates whose parenting skills are often influenced by their own method of Rearing. In addition, Rearing is a required field in the ZIMS Studbooks module. Whenever possible, please try to include Rearing in your animal records.


When recording a new accession into ZIMS, Rearing is greyed out on the right hand side (left). To activate the field, check the box (right).





To add a Rearing to a record that had no Rearing recorded, or to records a new Rearing Type, open the animal record > Details Tab > Rearing Grid > Actions Menu > Add New.



The new record will be displayed in the grid.


Note that ZIMS did not automatically record an End Date for the initial Rearing Type. This is because there may be more than one Type of Rearing going on at the same time. An example may be an infant gorilla who is primarily getting its nutrition from the mother (Parent) but is also receiving additional feedings due to low milk production of the dam (Supplemental). In our example though, the mother rejected the infant and the Parent Rearing should be ended. Highlight the Parent record and select Actions > View/Edit selected. This is also how you would edit any data in the Rearing entry. Add the End Date. The grid now displays the Rearing flow correctly.



To Delete a Rearing record that was entered by your institution highlight the record and select Actions > Delete Selected. Remember that you cannot Edit/Delete a Rearing record recorded by another institution.


Revised 5 March 2025




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