Recording or editing a parent or multiple parents for a specimen.
Definitions to help you determine which parent selection you should make:
*Knowing the location of the parents at time of birth can help a user to discover other details, such as birth location, that might have otherwise been unknown if "indeterminate" was used.
To add a Parent record during an Accession, select Add New for the appropriate parent. Note that you can use the quick buttons on the far right for Undetermined, Indeterminate and Wild offspring as there is no animal record to link the offspring to for these selections.
You can search by Identifier (GAN or Local ID) or by Taxonomy. If you search by a complete Identifier you should have only one result. If you search by a partial Identifier you will get a results grid to select from. If you search by Taxonomy, you have additional filters to help narrow the list of your results. If the parent is not in ZIMS, you can click the bottom left button to skip ahead.
From the results grid, select the desired Parent and then Pick Selected Animal.
Once you select the proper record, you will have to fill out the percent probability by either using the Re-adjust Percentages button or manually entering the percentage.
If there is more than one possible Parent of that type, repeat the process and add the rest. To adjust percentages, use the Manage Parent button and adjust manually or, if percentages are even, select the Re-Adjust Percentages button.
To add a Parent that is not in ZIMS, select the I Know the Parent is not in ZIMS button. Complete the fields and Save.
It will display as Not in ZIMS in the Parent grid.
Note that your percent probability must add to 100 (whole numbers only) for both sire and dam before you can save successfully. Also, you must select Save both on the screen on the individual parent entry as well as the parentage grid when you are done.
Although the option is available to select Undetermined/Indeterminate Parents, the Best Practice Recommendation is to record an unsexed animal as both a Dam and a Sire. This method keeps the percentages better tracked. Should an animal later be sexed they can be deleted from the inappropriate Parent grid. To find if an animal recently sexed has been entered as a Parent, use Advanced Animal Search > Sire/Dam and enter the GAN or Local ID.
To edit Parents or add new ones, in the Parent Info Grid, select Actions > Edit Parents
The Parent grid will open. To add a new Parent, select Add New as before. To Edit or Delete, use the wheel icon to the right of the appropriate record.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation