Creating Clutch/Litter IDs and assigning animals to those clutches/litters allows for indicating a clutch or litter relationship as well as relatedness in Wild Caught animals.
Searching Existing Clutch/Litters:
To find your Clutches and Litters go to the Animal Search box > Animal Clutch/Litter search. Leaving the search open (no filters selected) will open a results grid of all your Clutches/Litters recorded. As for all searches, the more filters you use, the shorter your results list becomes.
You can filter your search using the following filters:
Use this search to find any Clutches/Litters that you want to:
Obsolete Clutches/Litters:
An obsolete Clutch/Litter will still appear in the Animal Clutch/Litter Search Results but will not appear in the Clutch/Litter ID search within the Accession screen. The colored circle next to the obsolete Clutch/Litter in the Animal Clutch/Litter Search Results will be red instead of green to indicate it is currently obsolete.
If you have animals within the obsolete Clutch/Litter, the Clutch/Litter will still appear on the animals’ record. If you click on the link to open the obsolete Clutch/Litter, your resulting search will say “No animal clutch/litter found”. You will need to re-run the Clutch/Litter search, select the Clutch/Litter and ‘Restore as Active’ to view the occupants.
Column Customization:
Additionally, using column customization, you can add “Clutch/Litter ID” as a result column in standard Simple and Advanced search results screens:
Adding New Clutch/Litter:
add a new Clutch/Litter go to Animal Search > Animal Clutch/Litter Search > Add New.
You can also add a new Clutch/Litter from any Accession screen.
The Clutch/Litter will appear in the drop down list in the Accession screen to select from. Note that if a Clutch/Litter is recorded, the Parent and Taxonomy grid will prefill.
The Clutch Litter ID (Name) displays in the Basic Info grid in the animal record. This is a hyperlink to the Clutch/Litter record should you need to edit the information regarding the Clutch/Litter.
If you need to edit the Clutch/Litter assignment, go back into the Accession screen to do so.
Revised 5 March 2025
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