Birth/Hatch Date and Event Locations
How to add/edit an event location to an animal record in ZIMS.
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The Event Location grid captures the location for the following Events:
Release to Wild
Capture From Wild
Egg Laid
Missing Location
The Birth/Hatch Date and event Location grid is found under the More Details tab in the animal record.
As for other grids, the Add New/View/Edit/Delete options are found under the Action menu. Often this information is sourced from other data entry screens and cannot be edited or deleted from this grid. The following Rules apply:
If the Event Location information is sourced from the data entry screen for that specific transaction type, you will be taken back to the My Transaction entry screen to edit or delete it.
Birth Location
is sourced from a
accession screen.
Release to Wild Location
is sourced from a
Release to Wild
disposition screen.
If the Event Location information is sourced from fields in a data entry screen other than for that specific transaction type, you can edit or delete it from the Events Location grid.
Birth Location
is sourced from a field recorded in a
From Another Institution
accession screen.
If the Event Location information is not sourced from another data entry screen, you can add/edit/delete it from the Events Location grid.
EXAMPLE: You receive an animal from a non-ZIMS using institution that was captured from the wild. Because the
Capture From Wild Location
information is not included on the
From Another Institution
accession screen, you can add/edit/delete it in the Events Location grid.
EXAMPLE: You want to add information regarding
Egg Laid Location
for where an egg was laid but a
was recorded when in an incubator.
The data entry screen will vary depending on the Event selected.
Revised 5 March 2025