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Animals – Accessions


How to accession individual animals into ZIMS. Animals are Accessioned only once into ZIMS. If the animal is already in the ZIMS database a Visit should be created. See: Recording Visits help . This document details the fields for creating the initial Accession into ZIMS.


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Topics Covered


Accession Modes

Time Saving Accessions

From Another Institution

Collected From Wild




Birth Hatch


Favourite Accession Templates


For general Best Practices regarding Accessions see  Best Practices in Accessions



You must first select the entity. There are seven different entities that can beaccessioned into ZIMS:


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Accession Modes 

You then select the accession mode. There are nine modes of accession:


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Time Saving Accessions 

If you want to accession multiples of the same entity you have two choices. If the information on the animals is the same or very similar, for example you receive a litter and birth dates and parents are identical, you can check the Batch Accession box and enter the appropriate number of Local IDs. Remember to press Enter or Comma after each entry. If you have selected to Auto-increment Local IDs you will be asked for the number you want to generate and they will pre-fill. When doing a Batch Accession all information will be duplicated in all records but can be edited after you Save. All the GANs will be displayed after you Save.


The other option is to enter one animal and select Save and Repeat. The record will Save but the screen will remain open for you to record the data on the next animal. For example, you receive six flamingos but their birth dates and parents are different. When you record the last animal, select to Save. Only the GAN for this last record will display.


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From Another Institution

Accession Details

NOTE: Once an institution and its Local ID have been entered, ZIMS will look in the database for any matching records. If a match is found you should record a Visit instead of a new Accession. See: Recording Visits help .

Received Dead – Check this box if the animal was received dead. This will open up the Death fields. For information on Deaths see Dispositions . The death will not be counted in your inventory or display as a Death at your institution. My Transaction line will display as From Another Institution (Received Dead).

My Institution Details

Taxonomy Information

Birth Information

Notes – Record any further details not captured or provide further interpretation of the data recorded.


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Collected From Wild

Accession Details

Collection Information

My Institution Details

Taxonomy Information

Birth Information

Notes – Record any further details not captured or provide further interpretation of the data recorded.


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Accession Details

My Institution Details

Rescue Information

Taxonomy Information

Birth Information

Notes – Record any further details not captured or provide further interpretation of the data recorded. For example, you could record further details on the Public Contact.


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Accession Details

My Institution Details

Taxonomy Information

Birth Information

Notes – Record any further details not captured or provide further interpretation of the data recorded. For example, you could record further details the circumstances of the appearance or why you selected the Birth Type that you did.


Birth Hatch

Accession Details

My Institution Details

Taxonomy Information

Birth Information

Notes – Record any further details not captured or provide further interpretation of the data recorded. For example, you could record further details regarding the Birth.


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Radio Buttons – Select Undetermined (do not know at this time) or Indeterminate (will never know).

Accession Details

My Institution Details

Taxonomy Information

Birth Information

Notes – Record any further details not captured or provide further interpretation of the data recorded. For example, you could any information you have in hopes of being able to create a more informed Accession.


NOTE: If Accession details are later found you can change the Accession mode:

  1. From My Transactions add a new Accession in the correct mode and Add to Transaction list.
  2. It should appear as a conflict (in red) in the My Transaction List. Do NOT try to Save All Changes.
  3. Delete the Undetermined/Indeterminate transaction.
  4. Save All Changes.


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Favorite Accession Templates






To delete a Template, select the wheel icon, highlight the desired Template and select Delete Selected.

Revised 5 March 2025