Medical data from group records cannot be analyzed in ZIMS global resources. Even though a significant portion of group medical data is performed on an individual within the group, Quick Splits are an easy way to quickly record the data on an individual record and utilize the data in the global resources.
Watch this video for a quick overview of Quick Splits
With the creation of the Quick Split, medical staff can now quickly split an animal from a group into an incomplete accession and record all the necessary medical data.
The Registrar/ Admin can then complete the Quick Split to either merge the animal to an existing individual or create a new
will then contribute to global resources.
The individual record can then be kept as it is, or merged back into the group, or into a new group.
Quick Splits are not mandatory, the user/institution can determine if and when they should be used.
When you are performing medical care on an individual animal that is part of a group record, you can perform a Quick Split so that all the information recorded can be used in the global resources.
If you are performing medical care on multiple animals within a group, you can either perform Quick Splits for each individual so that all the information recorded can be used in the global resources, or continue to record the data on the group record.
If you are performing medical care on the entire group, you should record the data on the group record.
Note – any Quick Splits created will not affect group counts, inventory counts or appear on transaction reports until they have been completed.
Quick Splits can be performed within the medical module on:
When you perform any of the above actions for a group record, a button will appear asking if you are “Recording Individual Data”. Click the Quick Split button to split the record.
A pop-up will open to record the information that will be recorded on the Incomplete Accession. Most of the information is defaulted or estimated from the original record.
Clicking Save will save the Incomplete Accession and automatically replace the group ID with the new Incomplete Accession ID in your record (the GAN will have -IA at the end). You can then continue to record the data as if you were recording data for an individual animal.
The Incomplete Accession will then appear in the Incomplete Accessions list in the Statistics tab in the Animals Module for the Registrar/Admin to complete.
Quick Splits are completed from the Incomplete Accessions screen in the Animal Module.
You can identify Quick Splits from normal Incomplete Accessions by the information in the ‘Split From Group’ and ‘Animal Status’ columns.
Quick Splits can also be viewed in the group record within the My Transactions tab. Note that Quick Splits appear in italics, and they do not affect the census count of the group until they have been completed.
To complete the Quick Split, first select the split you would like to complete, and then click Complete Selected.
The Complete pop-up will give you three options
Clicking this option will launch the ‘Group Transaction – Split An Individual Out Of This Group’ screen on the group record.
All of the information will be pre-filled with the information recorded when the Quick Split was recorded.
Review and edit the information as necessary and then click ‘Save Transaction’
Click here to jump to the next action
If you choose this option, search for and select the animal you want to re-split, and then click ‘Split Existing Animal’
This will launch the ‘Acquisition – Split This Animal From Another Group’ screen on the individuals record.
All of the information will be pre-filled with the information recorded when the Quick Split was recorded.
Review and edit the information as necessary and then click ‘Save Transaction’
If there are any inconsistencies between the details on the Quick Split and the accession, you will see the pop-up asking which details to keep. Select the most relevant.
The next pop-up will tell you the ‘accession’ (splitting the animal) was successful, and that the information from the Incomplete Accession (the Quick Split) has now been copied onto the split individual record. The pop-up will also detail whether the record was originally marked as ‘Returned to Group’ or ‘Remained Individual’ to help you with you choice. Even though this animal was marked as ‘Returned to Group’, you can still choose whether to return the animal to the group (1), or if you would like to leave the animal as an individual (2) (e.g., if the animal did not immediately return to the group as intended). You can also undo the accession from this screen (3).
Choosing ‘Leave new animal as individual’ will end the process here as everything will have been completed. Choosing ‘Return Animal To The Group’ will initiate a ‘Disposition – Merge Animal(s) Into a Group’ transaction. Review the information (1), then click ‘Add to Transaction List’ (2), then finally, save your transaction list by clicking ‘Save All Changes’ (3).
The process is now complete. As you can see, the Quick Split transactions have now changed to be normal disposition/accession transactions, and are deducting/adding to the census counts.
Revised 5 March 2025