The My Transactions tab will show any transactions the group has had with your institution and is also where you perform actions to acquire or disposition animals from your collection (including births, deaths and change of ownership). If the group has never been at, or owned by, your institution, no transactions will display. If the group has been at, or owned by, your facility, any transactions regarding the group will display.
Addition (Merge) of new group members from outside your facility |
Addition (Merge) of new group members from within your facility |
Open the Animals module by double clicking on the Animals desktop icon (1), or clicking the Start Menu, then Animals, Search (2).
Search for a group record in the top left search box (1) (see here for more help on searching for animals), then navigate to the My Transactions tab (2).
There are five main types of transaction you can perform: Acquisition, Disposition, Report Owner Change, Report Holder Change and Hatch Event (for egg records only. Acquisitions and Dispositions are split into Full Acquisitions/Dispositions and Partial Acquisitions/Dispositions. All Transactions are found within the Add Transaction menu.
All transactions recorded in the My Transaction tab must have a unique day and time, e.g. you cannot have two transactions on 01/01/2020 00:00. To record two transactions on the same day, make sure to change the time of the most recent transaction to at least 1 minute later. It is important in groups that transactions and census counts are always recorded in the correct order to prevent incorrect numbers.
E.g., the following two scenarios contain the same transactions, but result in different ending numbers depending on the order of transactions and census counts:
Note that all transactions added to the My Transactions tab are not saved until you click Save All Changes.
Acquisitions are performed in the My Transactions tab when you are recording the acquisition of animals from or to a pre-existing group in ZIMS. There are two types of Acquisition, Full Acquisition (of a whole group) and Partial Acquisition Into This Group.
Full Acquisitions are performed when you are acquiring an entire group which is already accessioned in ZIMS. This group may be coming from another institution or be recaptured after release/missing. Every group in ZIMS must have an original Acquisition Transaction. Full Acquisitions are also performed here when resolving historical transactions, for example recording the original acquisition transaction for a record where another institution has recorded a disposition from your collection.
For examples see:
Partial Acquisitions are performed when you are adding individuals/groups to your established group, for example receiving animals from another institution and placing them in your group, retrieval of missing animals or recaptured animals, or merging animals from another group into this group.
For examples see:
All Dispositions are performed in the My Transactions tab, including animals sent to other collections and deaths. There are two types of Disposition, Full Disposition (of a whole group) and Partial Disposition From This Group.
Full Dispositions are performed when you are removing all animals from a group. These animals may have died, be leaving to go to another collection, moving to another group in your institution, or being released to the wild.
For an example see:
Partial Dispositions are performed when you are removing only some animals from your group, for example a single or few deaths, sending out part of the group to another collection, moving some animals to another group, splitting a new group or individuals out of the group, or releasing part of the group to the wild.
For examples see:
Report Owner Change is used when you have a group in on loan or lease, and the group has a change in ownership. E.g. the group is held by your institution (ZooA) and owned by ZooB. ZooB hands ownership over to ZooC, but the group physically remains at your institution.
For an example see:
Report Holder Change is used when you have a group out on loan or lease, and the group has a change in holder. E.g. the group is owned by your institution (ZooA) and held by ZooB, and the group physically moves to ZooC while still being owned by your institution.
For an example see:
Record Event only appears when managing the transactions of a group of eggs or egg mass (and single egg). Record Event allows you to perform a hatch event and hatch the eggs into a group of animals.
For an example see:
Scenario: You have received a new group form another ZIMS institution.
Action: Perform a Full Acquisition (of whole group), From Another Institution.
Note: You should only perform this action if you know you have received the entire group, if you are only receiving a portion of the group you should wait for the sending collection to split the group and send to your institution.
Search for the group using the GAN or Local ID provided, and open the My Transactions Tab. Select Add Transaction, Full Acquisition (of whole group), From Another Institution.
Fill in the required information in the pop-up screen. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, which have been numbered and defined below.
The following information is mandatory:
Best practices:
If you are receiving a new group from another ZIMS institution and recording a Receiver Initiated transaction (meaning they have not yet recorded sending the group so there is no Pending to accept), record UNDETERMINED for the sending institution’s ID unless you are certain that you are receiving all the members of their group. They may be splitting out some members that would require them to create a new Local ID before sending to you.
Scenario: You have received a group of animals from a non-ZIMS institution that you are adding directly to your existing group.
Action: Perform a Partial Acquisition Into This Group, From Another Institution.
Search for the group you want to add the new animals into. Select Add Transaction, Acquisitions, Partial Acquisition Into This Group, From Another Institution
Fill in the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below.
Scenario: You are adding all the members of an existing group in your collection into another group in your collection.
Action: Perform a Acquisition, Partial Acquisition Into This Group, Merge Group(s) into this Group.
Open the My Transactions tab of the target group. Select Add Transaction, Acquisition, Partial Acquisition Into This Group, Merge Group(s) into this Group.
Fill in the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below.
You can also perform this action from the group you want to merge rather than the target group. For this action, you would perform a Full Disposition, Merge This Group Into Another Group.
Scenario: You sent a whole group to another facility and now you are getting all of the group back.
Action: Perform an Acquisition, Full Acquisition (of whole group), From Another Institution
Open your original record and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Acquisition, Full Acquisition (of whole group), From Another Institution.
In the pop-up, fill in the required information. This is the same screen as the first scenario. Some things to note:
Scenario: You are sending the entire group to another institution.
Action: Perform a Disposition, Full Disposition, To Another Institution
Open the record of the group you want to send and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Disposition, Full Disposition (of whole group), To Another Institution.
Fill out the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below.
Scenario: You are sending only some members of a group to another institution.
Action: Perform a Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, To Another Institution.
Open the record of the group you want to send and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, To Another Institution.
Fill in the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below.
Scenario: You are moving animals from one group to another within your institution.
Action: Perform a Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, Transfer To Another Group.
Open the record of the group you want to move animals from and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, Transfer To Another Group.
Fill in the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below. When transferring to another group, you can use the “Add & Repeat” button to quickly add multiple transactions without leaving the screen.
Scenario: You have a large group that you are splitting into two smaller groups (one new group and keeping existing group)
Action: Perform a Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, Split a Group.
Open the record of the group you want to split and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, Split a Group.
Fill in the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below.
Scenario: You have an individual in the group that is now individually recognizable (i.e markings, injury, sexually dimorphic) and you want to manage as an individual now.
Action: Perform a Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, Split Individual(s) from this group
Open the record of the group you want to split and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Disposition, Partial Disposition From This Group, Split Individual(s) from this group.
Fill in the required fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star, and are numbered and defined below.
Finally, click Save All Changes to update the Transaction List. The individuals record can be accessed through the new GAN.
Scenario: You have a group in on loan which has changed ownership.
Action: Perform Report Owner Change, For Animal in on Loan.
Open the record of the group you need to change the ownership of and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Report Owner Change, For Animal in on Loan.
Record the Date, New Owner and New Owner ID. Add a responsible party and any notes as required then click Add To Transaction List.
Scenario: You have a group out on loan which has been transferred to another holder.
Action: Perform Report Holder Change, For Animal out on Loan.
Open the record of the group you need to change the holder of and open the My Transactions tab. Select Add Transaction, Report Holder Change, For Animal in on Loan.
Record the Date, New Holder and New Holder ID. Add responsible party and any notes as required then click Add To Transaction List.
Scenario: You have a group of eggs which hatch.
Action: Perform Record Event, Hatch Event for An Accessioned Group Of Eggs.
Fill in the required information. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star and are numbered and defined below.
Revised 5 March 2025
It is the mission of Species360 to facilitate international collaboration in the collection and sharing of information on animals and their environments for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. – Global Information Serving Conservation