How ZIMS can help with your
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Animal Welfare License application
If you have animals on display to the public (including television, movies, internet, social media) or conduct performances featuring animals, you must become licensed as an exhibitor, unless you fall under one of the exemptions.
Zoological Parks
—Animal exhibits open to the public, regardless of compensation, must be licensed whether they are owned by states, counties, or other local governments; corporations; foundations; or private individuals. Zoos operated by agencies of the federal government are not licensed, but the animals in these zoos are inspected and are subject to these same AWA regulations and standards of animal care. Petting zoos with regulated animals must be licensed and are subject to AWA regulations. Some exhibitors may qualify for an exemption (see below).
Marine Mammal Shows
—Exhibits, shows, and acts with marine mammals must be licensed. This includes public aquariums, amusement parks, and zoos. However, exhibits in which free-living marine mammals are viewed in their unconfined native habitats are exempt; examples are coastal seal rookeries or commercial whale sightseeing tours. Marine mammals include polar bears, sea otters, whales, porpoises, dolphins, manatees, dugongs, seals, sea lions, walruses, and other sea mammals that have fins or flippers. Marine mammals are protected by a separate set of standards for care and handling.
Animal Performances and Interactions—Any owner exhibiting regulated animals performing tricks or shows or interacting with the public and receiving compensation in any venue must be licensed, unless one of the exemptions applies. This includes each person owning animals performing in circuses, marine mammal shows, amusement parks, carnivals, independent animal acts, television shows, movies, internet 10 | Licensing and Registration Under the Animal Welfare Act broadcasts, or educational exhibits. All animals must receive the same quality of housing and other care, regardless of whether the animal is currently performing.
Application for License Block 11
Use the check box to use additional pages to list animals.
The Animal Welfare Act currently regulates the care and treatment of ‘warm-blooded’ animals. If you want to only include an inventory of animals that fall into this category you can run separate inventory reports for Mammalia or Aves, alternatively include all animals held by running a report for Animalia.
To list the actual number of animals:
Run an Inventory Summary Report. Start > Reports > Inventory Summary Report
Taxonomic scope: Mammalia / Aves / Animalia
Taxonomic resolution: Family
Report start date/ end date: correlate with the date of the application
Physical or Ownership: Choose Physical to see all animals held at your institution. Select Ownership to see all animals owned by your collection, these animals can include off-site animals.
Sort by: Taxonomic Order
Include groups
Collections: Select any relevant collections
Then click ‘Run report’